Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sweet Child of Mine

As you probably know, this is the name of a song by Guns N’ Roses, released in 1987.  I’m not sure why this title popped in my head, since I haven’t listened to their music in over 20 years!

But let’s see where the Holy Spirit takes us with this.  
1 John 3:1-11 (The Message)
"What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we're called children of God! That's who we really are. But that's also why the world doesn't recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who He is or what He's up to.

But friends, that's exactly who we are: children of God. And that's only the beginning. Who knows how we'll end up! What we know is that when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him—and in seeing him, become like him. All of us who look forward to His Coming stay ready, with the glistening purity of Jesus' life as a model for our own.

All who indulge in a sinful life are dangerously lawless, for sin is a major disruption of God's order. Surely you know that Christ showed up in order to get rid of sin. There is no sin in him, and sin is not part of his program. No one who lives deeply in Christ makes a practice of sin. None of those who do practice sin have taken a good look at Christ. They've got him all backward.

So, my dear children, don't let anyone divert you from the truth. It's the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God entered the scene to abolish the Devil's ways.

People conceived and brought into life by God don't make a practice of sin. How could they? God's seed is deep within them, making them who they are. It's not in the nature of the God-begotten to practice and parade sin. Here's how you tell the difference between God's children and the Devil's children: The one who won't practice righteous ways isn't from God, nor is the one who won't love brother or sister. A simple test.

For this is the original message we heard: We should love each other."

It is an amazing thing that believers in Christ are called the children of God.  Just as we were born naturally, we are reborn spiritually.  The world has never seen the likes of this – the children of God, walking in the very likeness of Christ.

Do not be misled by your own weaknesses or shortcomings.  The Message Bible does a good job of explaining that there is a difference between our growing in the faith as little children, sometimes making mistakes and “those who make a practice of sin”.

Our Father is patient with us as we learn and grow in the intimate knowledge of Christ and as we are conformed into His image through our day to day challenges and opportunities.  Do not let the enemy make you think that you are anything less than a beloved child of the Living God.  As His child, you are an heir of righteousness – this means the very nature of Christ has been reborn into your spirit and you are able to do all things in Him.

So, if you are discouraged with yourself  - with mistakes, with shortcomings, with failures – be encouraged!  Everything we need for this life has been poured into us as believers in Christ.  For our part, we are to turn away from selfish desires and consciously draw on the very nature of God in us.  If you think back to when you first came to Christ – can you think of things you struggled with that are no longer an issue?  And so it will be a month and a year from now as you serve Him with all your heart.  This is a walk of love, not a walk of appeasement.  We do not have to “please” an angry God – all He desires is that He can call each of us “sweet child of Mine”.    

Rhonda Roughton
Rhonda is founder of INK Ministries. INK Ministries' mission is to build up the body of Christ through writing, preaching and teaching with an emphasis on the New Covenant and who we are in Christ. "Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that whoever reads it may run with it." Habakkuk 2:2-3. This is a "hands-on" ministry as well as a writing ministry - moving in the gifts and power of the Holy Spiit to bring hope, healing and deliverance to all those who hunger for more of Him.

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